Our Programs
Therapeutic Riding
Therapeutic horse back riding is a form of therapy for people who have a range of disabilities, including physical, emotional, cognitive, and social.
SpiritHorse provides therapeutic horseback riding services to children and adults with both physical and emotional disabilities. We are part of a group that currently serves more children than any center in the world.
SpiritHorse has developed a research-based program of equine-assisted healthcare, which is has a different goal than that of recreational therapy. It includes, for example, 178 specific steps provided in a one-on-one setting for intervening with its children who have been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.
SpiritHorse provides the only child development services some of our children will ever receive. We teach many things taught in the school systems to typical kids. For example, we teach those diagnosed with autism how to focus and stay on a specific task through having leading, grooming, and tacking up as part of the lesson. We have seen miraculous breakthroughs with our children when they start performing these tasks.
The program has reached an agreement with the University of North Texas and The Autism Treatment Center to study the results of biofeedback therapy coupled with our equine healthcare for children with autism.
Championing the use of retired show and rescue horses and ponies is also a major goal at SpiritHorse. These horses are ideal for this type of work because they have had years of professional training and show experience. These schoolmasters are the safest mounts for children with disabilities.
We believe that children with disabilities have very accessible and beautiful spirits. We also believe that this spiritual connection between horse and child is what makes this intervention work.

To learn more about our Therapy Lessons Contact Shannon Crisante
(321) 239-4570
*All new students at SHWEC are required to pay a non-refundable registration fee of $45 due at time of scheduling their first lesson