My daughter Faith began riding at Spirit Horse At Windermere Equestrian Center in January. We needed a center for therapeutic riding because my daughter has a disease that affects her legs, making her weak. The instructors introduced her to a horse named Khali and he quickly became the love of her life. What started as something therapeutic has become so much more! Faith is independently riding and learning new things every week. She calls Spirit Horse her "happy place". I admit, it has become mine, as well. The instructors have a wealth of knowledge and encouragement. It feels like family! By far the highlight of our week!
-The Conner Family
I would sincerely like to recommend Spirit Horse for training in horseback riding as well as therapeutic riding. My autistic son Russell has been working with them for a couple of years now and I couldn't be more pleased with his progress and development. He has a love of animals and enjoys working with the horses. He leads them from the pasture, cleans and saddles them and when done riding cleans the horse and takes them back to the pasture. It has helped him open up to the trainers and other people as well. Everybody that we have worked with there has been absolutely wonderful and friendly.
-Larry M. Phillips
My daughter has an intellectual disability and severe ADHD and we have LOVED this program! She loves coming to see the horses. Each lesson starts with getting her horse ready to ride by brushing and then tacking up the horse. Then she gets to ride! A smile NEVER leaves her face. After her ride where they work on different techniques of riding, she takes her horseback to the stall to untack and then brushes again. The whole experience is wonderful! I help Sydney to focus and calm her excited nature. The horses are so loving and gentle as well. Shannon Crisante is her trainer and she has been amazing with Sydney! We also got to work with Morgan one day for a little while and she too was fantastic!! We cannot thank you guys enough for all you do and for offering this amazing program for kids with special needs. Sydney is also looking forward to competing with the special Olympics in Equestrian now!
- Cricket Whitman